WEDDING Rings - the genesis of a PERMANENT SYMBOL
The symbolism of the world's oldest LOVE Ritual: FROM THE FIRST LOOKS TO THE EXCHANGE OF WEDDING rings. What does this beautiful ring represent?
One of the most powerful feelings on the wedding day is the moment that the first look is exchanged as the couple walks down the aisle wearing an elegant white gown, aiming at the bride's future husband.

This moment of intense emotion is followed by a second moment of emotional remembrance that confirms the union of the spouses that is the exchange of wedding rings. Exchanging wedding rings during the ceremony is an act of solemnity. It is accompanied by a lot of emotion for the spouses and for everyone else who are present. It is the moment when an agreement of love is sealed to be observed for eternity.
The ring, which comes from the Latin anulus, which means circle, simple, with a circular shape that has no beginning or end, represents the circle of life and eternality.
It's no coincidence that it is the symbol that represents the inexplicably strong love that unites two people.
From the Latin fides comes the term "faith" which means loyalty. Fides was the name given to a Roman goddess who was the embodiment of loyalty. Its first and ancient meaning was a reference to the loyalty of an Roman citizen to his home.
The background of wedding rings as a symbol is linked to the general idea of using rings as a symbol for something important.
The ancient Egyptians used, for instance, soldered seals depicting hieroglyphics and scarabs onto rings, while the Greeks carried gold rings with engravings or cameos. For the early Romans, the use of these jewels was regulated by law: the ring of free citizens were made of gold, the ones that were worn by slaves freed from slavery of silver and those of slaves of iron. Christians also began to adopt the habit of wearing these jewelry and from the Middle Ages onwards the practice of presenting a ring to bishops and kings during the consecration or coronation ceremonies was adopted.
The tradition states that pontiffs continue to receive the "piscatory" ring, which depicts the boat of St. Peter with the name of the Pope encircled.
The popularity of this type of ornament reached its zenith in the 16th century, a time that saw people who loved to wear a ring or two on each finger, adorned with the seal, or more frequently embellished with stones.
The use of rings for wedding ceremonies and engagement vows also has a very ancient history. From the barbarian age onwards, couples exchanged a ring to signify their commitment to signify their vow of love. During the Middle Ages, however, women would be braiding a hair of theirs and that of their prospective husband around the ring and kept it for nine days in their chests at a heart level before giving it away on their wedding day, as a sign of love and fidelity. It was in the 16th century that the wedding ring gets the look and significance that we still attribute to it in the present. It was during this period that the tradition of both genders of putting the wedding rings on the finger long after the wedding ceremony has been established. Wedding rings are forged in gold, always representing eternity for the Catholic religion, and inside the ring we can see the first engravings with the names of the couple and the date of their wedding.
The gold band is a symbol for a perfect, lasting union.
In order to understand why the ring finger is the ideal finger to wear, we need to go back to ancient Egyptian beliefs. According to these beliefs an artery of a tiny size is affixed to the ring and leads to the heart. In Christian tradition, however, the left finger that was a ring was the one that the priest touched after touching the first three fingers to invoke the Father as well as the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The wedding ring is usually worn on the left ring-finger because of practical reasons. It is the finger that is most used and therefore is the weakest.
There is also an ancient Chinese belief according to which each finger of the hand is associated with a loved ones The little finger symbolizes the children; the middle finger us; the thumb, the parents; the index finger represents brothers and sisters and the ring finger the partner.
Just as their origins differ as are the methods they are constructed: from the classic to the wider Mantua band, to the thinner French and the flat Sardinian, more or less decorated, there are many types of wedding rings that couples can pick for their wedding day.
At Les Creations, goldsmith artisans can create custom wedding rings that are based on the preferences and preferences of future spouses, who will be able to take pleasure in an exclusive and unique piece to mark a special bond.
The wedding ring is a symbol for joy. It is a symbol that unambiguously declares to everyone that one wishes to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love. This meaning will make the rings among the most precious that a man or woman can wear regardless of the color, shape, or the presence of stones.
And you? Have you picked your rings to pledge loyalty?
Les Creations, a boutique in Rome located in via Crescenzio 43 is waiting for you to visit.
You can also browse our online store to find the rings that represent your relationship and your personality. We'll gladly assist you to realize your dreams whether they're custom rings, rings you designed or other requests.